Smoke Alarm Request

Please use this form to request the Magnolia Fire Department to install free smoke alarms. 

I understand and agree that through the effort of the MONTGOMERY COUNTY ESD NO. 10 / MAGNOLIA FIRE DEPARTMENT and its representatives (MFD), I am being provided a free smoke detector as a public service. I understand that the MFD does not guarantee or endorse this brand of smoke detector. I also understand that the MFD is not a seller, manufacturer or dealer in smoke detectors. In exchange for accepting a free smoke detector and installation, I agree not to make any claim or demand or file any lawsuit against the MFD, or any agent of for any injuries, damages, costs or expenses claimed to have resulted from the smoke detector or installation of the smoke detector, and I hereby release and discharge the MFD or any agent of from any liability for such claims. It is my intention and understanding that this release extends to injuries or damages caused by the MFD sole or joint negligence. I further understand that for the smoke detector to be effective batteries must be replaced on a regular basis and they must be installed correctly. This release from liability is binding on me, my family, my heirs, successors and assignees.